Low Pro Living Support Blog

You’ve come to right place to learn more about inborn errors of metabolism like PKU or MSUD, explore diet management tips, and hear inspiring stories. From big moments, like starting college to little ones like what to eat for dinner, we have tips and ideas to help you along the way.

Please note: information presented in our blogs is for educational purposes only and is in no way intended to replace the care, advice, and medical supervision of your metabolic team. Always consult your metabolic healthcare team with questions you have and before you make any changes to your or your loved one’s diet or condition management.

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Measuring Formula Using Household Measurements

In this blog we’ll show you how to measure different Nutricia metabolic formulas using common household measurements typically found in your kitchen. It’s important to use accurate measurements when using formulas for the dietary management of inborn errors of metabolism such as phenylketonuria (PKU) or glutaric acidemia (GA-1). By using household measurements and following the […]

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Tips for a Smooth Metabolic Formula Transition

For individuals with phenylketonuria (PKU), maple syrup urine disease (MSUD), glutaric aciduria (GA-1) and other metabolic disorders, formula is a crucial part of management.  For example, PKU formula provides essential nutrients while limiting phenylalanine (PHE) intake, the amino acid that people with this condition cannot break down. For those with metabolic conditions managed through diet,

Tips for a Smooth Metabolic Formula Transition READ MORE

Exciting Updates to Nutricia Metabolic Products

At Nutricia, our top priority is to provide the best-in-class products to support the metabolic community. We are thrilled to announce some exciting changes to our PhenylAde®, GlutarAde®, and Complex MSD® products that will help us serve you better and ensure a reliable supply. What’s Changing? Starting in November 2024, you’ll notice some updates to

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Introducing PhenylAde® GMP ULTRA Plain: A New PKU Formula

Managing phenylketonuria (PKU) requires a strict low-protein diet and specialized medical formulas to ensure individuals get the necessary nutrition while avoiding or drastically reducing phenylalanine (PHE) intake. Finding a PKU formula you enjoy can have a positive impact on the quality of life by helping to make the diet easier to manage. Nutricia is proud to announce the

Introducing PhenylAde® GMP ULTRA Plain: A New PKU Formula READ MORE

The Importance of Following A PKU Diet In Adulthood

Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a rare inherited metabolic disorder that affects the body’s ability to metabolize a specific amino acid called phenylalanine (PHE). People with PKU have a deficiency in the enzyme needed to break down phenylalanine, which leads to a buildup of this amino acid in the body. A buildup of PHE can be harmful,

The Importance of Following A PKU Diet In Adulthood READ MORE

Navigating Halloween Fun: A Guide for Children on a Low Protein Diet

Halloween is a fun time for kids who get to dress up in costumes, see spooky decorations, and get lots of yummy treats. However, if you eat a low-protein diet because of a special health condition, Halloween can be a bit tricky. In this blog post, we’ll share some helpful tips and fun ideas to

Navigating Halloween Fun: A Guide for Children on a Low Protein Diet READ MORE

Metabolic Tips for Parents Video Series – Part 1

Preparing Your Baby’s Bottle Congratulations on your new addition! Your new little bundle of joy brings an exciting new future, and probably many, many questions. We are here to help. We’ve created a Metabolic Tips for Parents series of ten short videos to help ease your journey. In each episode, our medical affairs advisor, Rachel

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Heather and her daughter

Helpful ways to prepare for back-to-school for a 7th grader with PKU

Tips and wisdom from a parent of a PKU 7th grader “I feel like I’m pulled in four different directions all summer!” says Heather Bomar of Brentwood, Tennessee, in describing her busy but fun summer season. Her four children, including 12-year-old Ellis who has classical Phenylketonuria (PKU), do a variety of activities over the summer.

Helpful ways to prepare for back-to-school for a 7th grader with PKU READ MORE

Path leading to college building

Tips from college student on how to maintain a low protein diet while at school

Reflections from a rising sophomore managing PKU and a busy schedule This time last year as James Fryer was beginning his first year of college at Willamette University, he knew he was heading into a big life transition. Some of the adjustments proved more stressful than he anticipated. “Always remembering, on my own, to have

Tips from college student on how to maintain a low protein diet while at school READ MORE

Caring for Rare Podcast: Season 1, Episode 5

Parents of children and children with PKU, MSUD and HCU share how they talk about their metabolic disorder Nutricia North America’s podcast – Caring for Rare – explores what life is like with a rare metabolic disorder such as phenylketonuria (PKU), maple syrup urine disease (MSUD), and homocystinuria (HCU). Episodes feature families’ personal stories of

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Caring for Rare Podcast: Season 1, Episode 4

Parents of children with PKU, MSUD and HCU share their experiences with adapting to a special low protein diet Nutricia North America’s podcast – Caring for Rare – explores what life is like with a rare metabolic disorder such as phenylketonuria (PKU), maple syrup urine disease (MSUD), and homocystinuria (HCU). Episodes feature families’ personal stories

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Caring For Rare Podcast: Season 1, Episode 3

Accepting And Thriving With HCU – An Interview With The Sullivan Family Nutricia North America’s new podcast – Caring for Rare – explores what life is like with a rare metabolic disorder such as phenylketonuria (PKU), maple syrup urine disease (MSUD), and homocystinuria (HCU). Episodes feature families’ personal stories of inborn errors of metabolism. Our

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Podcast Episode 2

Caring for Rare Podcast: Season 1, Episode 2

Growing up with MSUD – an interview with 8-year-old Carter Coleman & his parents Nutricia North America’s new podcast – Caring for Rare – explores what life is like with a rare metabolic disorder such as phenylketonuria (PKU), maple syrup urine disease (MSUD), and homocystinuria (HCU). Episodes feature families’ personal stories of inborn errors of

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